Tuesday 24 November 2015

Some SEO Malaysia vendors & companies are TRASH.

I'm pissed.

You pay good money to a local SEO Malaysia company because you want great rankings for your business on Google.

And you do this because it can be extremely lucrative to get on first page on Google.

Stories of instant millionaires come to mind when we think about SEO and first page rankings.

If you rank for a "buyer" keyword and that keyword gets you tons of quality traffic, it's going to explode your business.

So how much does a vendor charge you to do SEO in Malaysia?

So it's around 8-12 K a year, just to "maintain" rankings on Google.

Or course, if you're doing SEO for the first time, that company will try to get you on first page for keywords that you feel is important for your business.

some advice when hiring a local Malaysia SEO company.

Firstly, make sure they know what they are doing.

If they don't, you're screwed.

If they don't want to tell you and say it's a secret, well everyone knows SEO is no secret.

You can learn how to work with Google within its TOS to better your visibility online.

The problem is some SEO companies & vendors in Malaysia will tell you it's a SECRET!

that is pure crap and trash.

Some use SEO softwares like SE NUKE to do SEO for your business.

Great, so what happens when Google's technology catches up and it finds out?

You're screwed.

Secondly, hire local Malaysian SEO companies that are ethical.

NO mean feat, you'll never know.

If you don't pay them to continue your SEO the next year, they will try to destroy your rankings so that you hire them again.

I would tell you which company not to use because I've worked there but I won't .

Third, please make sure that they rank you for keywords that get you traffic.

Some keywords get you ZERO traffic.

what's the point if you get on number one on first page?

write to me at dannycheng69@gmail.com and  I'll help you with your SEO questions.

I am a real person and unlike most people selling you these services, I tell you how WE DO SEO.

And if you're wondering why you should talk to me, I'll show you proof that I know what I am talking about.

Have a awesome day ahead!


Friday 23 May 2014

Thinking of starting a online business and selling physical products?

Online Business Ideas- E Commerce Anyone?

Check out our latest post if you're looking to build an online business- particularly if you're thinking of setting up shop (as in a online retail shop) and selling physical products.

There are tons and  tons of success e commerce stories... so why shouldn't you be one of them?

Also, it's a fact that the number of mobile users have exploded in the last 5 years-that mobile e commerce sales has gone up to a  whopping $4.7 billion in 2013- and who knows what the stats are today.

And let's face it. Malaysians are mobile devices people. (if there's such a word)- we eat, sleep and wake up with our mobile devices everyday.

Heck, some of us even bring our mobiles to the restroom while we do our "business"!  (I prefer reading if you're wondering..)

Anyhow, if you're a looking for a business  to get into, why not think about selling online?

Some of the advantages of selling online are:

1. You don't need a office

2. You can start small and scale your way up

3. You can work part time or on the weekends

4. You website never sleeps

5. You can test, track and analyze data about your business

And most importantly,  e commerce websites and retail is still in its infancy in Malaysia.

So there's every bit that you can get ahead of the pack and really succeed big time if you start now. Don't think that just because there aren't many online retail websites in Malaysia that it's going to be smooth sailing all the way!

You must treat it like a real business or you'll sink.

And that's it from me today. Read the post, you'll find some really useful tips about selling online and e commerce!

Sunday 20 April 2014

Google Event In Malaysia- Adwords Now in Bahasa Malaysia

Visit us to learn how you can use Digital Marketing Technology to drive traffic, generate leads for your business here...

Google Malaysia kicks off Google Adwords in Bahasa Malaysia for the first time. Country manager Mr. Sajith Sivanandan explained to the media that there were about 700 thousand businesses in Malaysia- but only 15% were making use of the internet or digital marketing technology to reach their customers.

And that's the core idea behind the launching Adwords in Bahasa Malaysia-

The concept revolves around the idea that more local businesses can now reach more customers- in specific, native speaking customers in Malaysia who prefer to search using their native language.

Google Adwords is Google's ad serving platform- where you can advertise to show your business in search results as well as all across Google's massive network of blogs and web properties.

We were invited to attend the lively event as Google Partners- (the press was obviously there too) and had a great time.

BTW, the food was pretty good too.

Visit us at netbuilder.com to find out how we can help you to manage your Adwords Campaign more effectively.

Do you have questions about SEO (search engine optimization) and why hire a search engine optimizer? Say hi to us and ask about our SEO services at our website here.... 

Read  how you should correctly use Google's keyword planner to research your keyword and one special tip to help you to determine the competition for those keywords........

Thursday 10 April 2014

Why Your Business Needs A WordPress Site For SEO...

Businesses needs blogs. And it'd better be a WordPress blog.

Here Matt Cutts talks about SEO and using WordPress sites.

Great video, while it's long you'll pick up some golden nuggets from this video.

You want to have a blog for your business.

And there's no better CMS platform than WordPress for that.

Make sure that you have one, and use that blog to bring more traffic and leads to your website.

Every business needs a blog today.

Technoratti dot com, a popular news portal reports that 82% of influential market leaders in their industries all have blogs on their websites.

Remember, Google loves content.

Get some great content out there and promote that content. The fresher the content is, the better it is. But it doesn't just have to be fresh- it should be good.

Because if it's great content (like this one is,) people will want to link to your content and that's where the magic happens.

A big part of SEO is the number of relevant back links that you have pointing to your website.

Do you SELL online?

If you do, you know getting traffic to your website is the lifeblood of your business. (1 big part anyway)-

Find out how we helped a local business to bring in more than 4 million dollars (RM)in sales with our search engine optimization services here by visiting this page... 

Also, if you don't know how to set up a blog, why not let us take care of  it? We are a complete E solutions company,  and we not only build great e commerce websites, but we'll help you with the search engine marketing part.

Unlike most digital marketing companies, we actually have real in the trenches experience building businesses online- and we've built some pretty successful  businesses.

Thanks for reading,

To your success!


Tuesday 1 April 2014

Search Engine Optimization Services Guaranteed Seo Services (Malaysia)

Another shameless plug and video for our SEO services! Call us today and ask us how we can help you to drive traffic to your website.

Visit us here... www.netbuilder.com.my if you want to learn more about our services and find out how you can drive more leads & customers with digital marketing technology.

Friday 28 March 2014

Warning- Choosing The Wrong WordPress Theme Will Kill Your SEO

Let's get this out of the way once and for all.

It's true.

Using the wrong theme for your WordPress website (blog if you prefer) will kill your SEO-

And you'd better believe it.

Yessiree Bob.

The problem with most WordPress themes (the ones that are free anyways) is that most of them are PLAIN UGLY.

Just to be clear, I am not complaining or whining about free WordPress themes here.

In fact, and for the record, I am extremely grateful to those folks for their generosity and genuinely appreciate them for giving the rest of us free stuff that we otherwise would have to pay for.

But let's admit it.

Free WordPress themes aren't exactly Picassos.  They're not exactly aesthetically pleasing in the design department.

They're extremely bare and functional.


And that's where the problem is.

And the great thing about them. (but more on this later...)

The moment you get your blog or website is up and running- the first thing you'll do is to walk your little pinkies to the themes section of your dashboard- and spend (notice I didn't say waste)  hours. if not days- hunting down, taking notes & checking out every single free theme at the WordPress repository, hoping against hope that you'll finally find something nice. Something decent. There's got to be something better than the default theme that you're stuck with you think to yourself.

After a couple of hours, you finally settle down on the one that you think is best. "Well, at least that's done," you say softly to yourself.

Satisfied, you finally let yourself smile.

It's time to let your blog fly and let Google bring truckloads of traffic to your website. After all, you know your SEO. And you know that you've found a niche that isn't too crazy with competition and with a little work, you know you can kill it. 

Days pass. Weeks even. And your website still isn't showing up on the 1st page of Google for that long tail keyword that you know has absolutely zero competition because you did your "homework".

"What the heck is going on here? This can't be happening! I should already be on page 1 for this stupid keyword phrase! This is nuts! It's already been a month!"

There are only 5 websites competing for this keyword phrase so no way this is happening! Well, it's happening because the theme that you chose is wrecking havoc on your SEO.

"But that can't be...!" You argue.  "There's just no way a theme that's included in the WordPress repository is  that BAD!"

I feel you buddy. I've been there before.

Ever have that feeling that you know it's bad for you but you've just got to have it?

Well, some WordPress themes are kinda the same.

They're pretty but the search engine crawlers just hate them.

So here's the thing. Stick with well coded ones. They're great for search engine optimization or SEO. And SEO is something you want to pay attention to unless you hate FREE TRAFFIC from the search engines.

Stick to ones that are search engine spiders friendly if you can help it.

Your default WordPress themes like twenty thirteen, twelve and fourteen are well coded themes that's great for SEO. 

If you're willing to invest in your theme, simply do a quick search on Yahoo, Bing or Google and go for the ones that get great reviews and 10 stars for being Search engine friendly.

The lesson here?

Forget aesthetics unless the nature of your business absolutely depends on it. I'm not saying your blog should be ugly, I'm saying get themes that are well coded and SEO friendly.

see how crawlers see your website

And that's it, I'm outta here.

P.S- don't forget to check out our website here- if you're a business and you'd like to find out how SEO can help grow your business and take it to the next level.

Want to know more about search engine marketing?

Visit our blog here...